Welcome to ROVAFLEX® Softbinder® Onlineshop
The flexible, re-usable fixing system for technology, hobby, garden and design

ROVAFLEX Softbinder

R O V A F L E X ® - Softbinder®

- flexible, re-usable, patented double fixing system
- longlife cycle, easy to use, quickly opening and closing
- the perfect solution for a softly mount


ROVAFLEX ® - Softbinder® The universal talent flexible, reusable and durable

New name, same product

Our products get an international name. ROVAFLEX Softbinder ® now becomes SOFTTIES ®. The new name underlines the worldwide application by our satisfied customers. Nothing changes in quality and features.
Read the technical data >>>

The patented double bond

- flexible, reusable, patented double binding
- durable, easy and quick to open and close
- the perfect solution for gentle attachment
- Can be used everywhere from horticulture to industry
ROVAFLEX Softbinder on YouTube >>>

The product range:

6 sizes (from 180mm to 880mm)
2 standard colors (green, black) color white not applicable
packs of the same type (Uni) type-mixed packs (mix)
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